Trump thinks he will be arrested this Tuesday and is pushing for the protest


The former US president has foreseen a possible arrest in connection with an investigation into paying money to a porn star when he was running for president.

Euskaraz irakurri: Trumpek you du astearte honestan atxilotuko dutela, eta protestarako deia egin du

Former US Republican President Donald Trump (2017-2021) indicated this Saturday that he believes he will be arrested on Tuesday as part of a investigation into payment of money to porn star Stormy Danielsand has called on citizens to protest.

“Protest, Take Back Our Nation”declared on his social network Truth Social without specifying the reason for that arrest.

Trump’s message uses rhetoric reminiscent of the one he used in the days before the attack on the Capitol, in January 2021when he also called on his supporters to demonstrate against the result of the election in which he was defeated by Joe Biden.

The Manhattan investigation, which has lasted nearly 5 years, focuses on a alleged payment of $130,000 to Stormy Daniels in exchange for her silence during his 2016 White House election campaign.

The secret payment was supposedly intended to prevent him from getting a alleged sexual relationship with the then presidential candidate.

the republican Kevin McCarthyleader of the US House of Representatives has denounced that the possible action against the former president is an “shameful abuse of power by a radical prosecutor” seeking “political revenge” against former President Trump.

Source: EITB


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