This exceeds pre-pandemic numbers. From the Automotive Cluster of Euskadi, they assure that the results are due to “operational improvements” and “the diversification of the companies”.
Euskaraz irakurri: Automozioaren sektorak 22,423 milioi euro fakturatu zituen iaz EAEn, 2021ean baino % 22 gehiago
He automotive sector invoiced 22 423 million euro in the Basque Country in 2022, 22.2% more than last year, more than pre-pandemic numbers (20.3 billion). This figure does not include the specific weight of the Mercedes-Benz Vitoria.
So says Inés Anitua, general manager of the Automotive Cluster of the Basque Country ACICAE, “these results are a result of the diversification of the companies and their operational improvements, as well as the increase in raw material costs”. However, he confirms that “we have to be careful given the situation of market instability and complexity.” In any case, he adds: “In 2023, we expect revenue growth of 6.1%.”
In terms of employment in the sector, last year there was a 1% increase over the previous year in the factories in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. Compared to 2023, an increase of approximately 2.26% is expected in this area.
On the other hand, according to Cluster data, 90% of the sector’s turnover remains international and more than half is generated outside Europe. The industry has also maintained its factories abroad, reaching 345 production sites in 32 countries, in both emerging and traditional markets.
In terms of sales, 74.8% goes to car manufacturers and 17.5% to first-line suppliers, leaving 7.7% for spare parts. In terms of vehicle type, 87.6% are passenger, 9% are commercial or industrial, 2.6% are coaches, and 0.8% are motorcycles.
The automotive sector in the CV consists of a number of 300 component companies varying from multinationals with foreign capital, local multinationals, cooperatives or family businesses.
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Source: EITB

I’m Wayne Wickman, a professional journalist and author for Today Times Live. My specialty is covering global news and current events, offering readers a unique perspective on the world’s most pressing issues. I’m passionate about storytelling and helping people stay informed on the goings-on of our planet.