Pope of Superlatives – The “father in a hurry” who became a saint in record time


John Paul II was a pope of superlatives: no one traveled to more countries than he, no one made more Christians saints. We begin with part one of a series on historical popes.

Let me go to the Father’s house.” John Paul II speaks his last words in a low voice. Not in Italian, not in Latin, but in Polish, the language of his native country that he loved so much. His death chamber in the papal apartment in the Vatican is almost dark. Only a single candle flickers, this is an old local tradition. At 9:37 p.m., the charismatic pontifex maximus dies in 2005, after 26 years on the throne of world-changing Peter. He carried his cross to the end, the indomitable was bowed down by a serious illness, and he vehemently refused to abdicate. “I place the length of my tenure in God’s hands,” he said.

Source: Krone


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