Barbed wire fences are often the death of large birds of prey and owls. Fortunately, a buzzard was rescued in time in Carinthia.
“Unfortunately, it happens again and again that large birds of prey such as owls, falcons and buzzards get entangled in the barbed wire, are usually seriously injured and unfortunately often have to die as a result,” says the experienced falconer and species conservationist Franz Schüttelkopf of the Adlerarena Burg Landskron reports.
The birds get caught in the barbs with their large wings and ram the metal spikes deep into their flesh in their desperate attempts to free themselves. Fortunately, a buzzard was rescued from its predicament in time.
Flew to freedom
A passerby saw the bird and raised the alarm. The buzzard was taken to the Adlerarena care home. A piece of barbed wire was removed and the torn membrane was sewn up. After a few days of recovery, the buzzard was released back into the wild.
Source: Krone

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