Situation in Nagorno-Karabakh – Exodus: Viennese priest helps in “hell on earth”


Since the expulsion from Nagorno-Karabakh, 100,000 people have found shelter in Armenia. There, the Viennese Father Andreas worries about people who have been deprived of all hope.

“It’s a catastrophe: people are crying, traumatized, hungry and weak. Many people do not know where their relatives are. Although the Armenian government provides them with rooms and hotels, there is despair among the displaced people. They have lost everything: house, farm and especially their homeland,” says Father Andreas Isakahyan, describing the situation from the border town of Goris.

Miscarriages, deaths from hunger and hopelessness
He is there with three other Austrians. “It’s pure chaos. Some sleep on the street. Here, at almost 1,400 meters above sea level, the days are hot and the nights are bitterly cold,” said the 43-year-old.

However, the biggest problem is people’s psyche. “They endured a blockade for nine months, during which they barely had anything to eat. Where they were not given any medicines and many pregnant women had miscarriages because there was no normal diet. Standing in line for hours for a piece of bread. Many died of hunger. And these people are called ‘occupiers’ and terrorists,” the shocked cleric said.

One displaced person even described how a father who was picking pomegranates for his children was beheaded by Azerbaijani soldiers as a result. Horrible horror of the religious war between Islamists and a Christian minority.

“What else can you call this than genocide!”
Azerbaijan blocked everything! In the ‘Krone’ telephone conversation, the priest, audibly moved, summarizes the apocalyptic situation: ‘I don’t know what else you could call it – except genocide! In five days, 100,000 people were driven from their homes. From an area where Armenian writing was taught as early as the 4th century.”

For the devoted priest, one thing is certain: “This is the second genocide against the Armenians after 1915. And the world community is once again looking the other way!” Apparently Russia has made a deal with the Azerbaijanis so that EU sanctions can be circumvented.

“Can a small country like Armenia with three million inhabitants even accommodate 100,000 displaced people?” was the question from journalists. “There is no alternative,” answers Father Andreas. Therefore, his hope lies in “imposing sanctions against the Azerbaijani regime for its atrocities and genocide.”

The words of good politicians must also be followed by action
Many foreign ministers have already made statements about the catastrophic situation. But good words must now be followed by action. “So that Armenian life, which has existed in Nagorno-Karabakh for so many centuries, does not end in September 2023.”

Source: Krone


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