Two perpetrators arrested – third attack on the Israeli flag in Linz


Unfortunately, it has happened again: the Israeli flag in front of Linz’s old town hall was targeted for the third time in a politically motivated act of vandalism on Sunday morning.

The incident happened around 6 a.m. on Sunday. Two clearly tipsy students met the city hall doorman in Linz’s main square as he was hoisting the Israeli flag, which is now always lowered at night, from the flagpole.

They insulted the town hall employee and stated that they did not want to see this flag hanging. The doorman was not deterred by this and hoisted the flag.

The police patrol observed the crime
After the employee returned to the town hall, the two revelers hung on the flag, tore at it and pulled it to the ground. However, they were spotted by a patrol who happened to be passing by. Police managed to stop and capture the two students.

Degradation of foreign symbols
The two twenty-year-olds from Linz – they have Austrian nationality – admitted the incident and also explained to the police that they did not want to see the flag hanging.

She is now under investigation for denigrating foreign symbols (Article 317, StGB). Both were not yet officially announced. The Israeli flag has now been raised again.

Source: Krone


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