Vladimir Milov – Kremlin expert locates “first cracks in the Putin system”


Former Russian Deputy Energy Minister Vladimir Milov has broken up with Putin. Today he speaks in Vienna on behalf of the opposition about the war in Ukraine and Russian politics. The insider told the “Krone” details about the effect of Western sanctions on Russia’s oil sector and the first “cracks in the Putin system”. The Russian ruler had “made a monster of the state” and would also “shoot people in case of emergency”.

Former Russian deputy energy minister Vladimir Milow (50), who broke with Putin, said the “first cracks in the Putin system” were there. The insider of Russian politics paints the picture of a state that will soon be on the brink: “Putin’s war polls have fallen from 80 to 45 percent. Only 23 percent get information from state television. The use of social networks, especially YouTube, is on the rise.”

Sanctions are already noticeable
The first effects of the sanctions are already being felt, especially in the food quality sector, the sustainability specialist says, and ultimately the effectiveness for Russia’s future will be devastating due to the double blow of sanctions and the withdrawal of foreign companies. The petroleum sector cannot do without components from American technology. China cannot replace that either.

Oil production – and profits – will fall by as much as 40 percent. The Russian economy is focused on Europe as far as Western Siberia and cannot easily be turned back to Asia. “Today we are experiencing the greatest deglobalization of the global economy.”

As former Minister Milov warns about the overestimation of the Russia-China partnership: “China has its own interests. It will now shop at low prices only in Russia. Nor should the rivalry for influence in the former Soviet Central Asia be underestimated.”

Regarding the war in Ukraine, Vladimir Milov warns not to make concessions to Russia until the failure of the Putin regime in Russia itself is widely apparent and can no longer be lied to by propaganda: “If you give Putin what he wants for the sake of peace, he would take it only as a reward and an encouragement to his imperial desires, namely, Russia in her old grandeur. Then he wouldn’t stop.”

How will Putin’s regime end? Coup d’état in the Kremlin? military regime? popular uprising?

50,000 “Presidential Guard” protect Putin
Vladimir Milow: “The pumpjacks around him are in the same boat and don’t dare. The generals are discredited because of the failure of the army. Do people dare? There is fear because we know of Putin’s brutality. He created a presidential guard of 50,000 men, and he would shoot if it came to it. Putin has turned the Russian state into a monster.”

The ex-minister was a guest at the Institute for European and Security Policy of ex-defense minister Werner Fasslabend.

Source: Krone


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