Terrible torment – residents in fear: dog killed by two shots


There is pure horror and bewilderment after a gruesome dog death in a settlement in the Voitsberg district (Styria): the animal was killed by two shots at close range – the animal’s owner is suspected! The man, who had weapons with him, was charged with animal cruelty.

News of the dog’s death spread like wildfire through the settlement, causing consternation. One woman in particular is deeply shocked because she found the Golden Retriever mix on the street and, along with others, returned it to its owner. “The four-legged friend clearly didn’t want to go to him when I tried to hand him over. But then he probably gave up and crawled along with his head bowed, as if he were going to his execution. And immediately afterwards he was dead, which breaks my heart.”

“Crying and whining”
The four-legged friend probably did not have a good life before that either. “We saw him locked out in the garden at minus seven degrees. He cried and cried so terribly,” said a resident. “When we asked the owners, who had just moved in, all they said was that he had a hut, was not allowed in the house and had to get used to it. We were very upset, but we couldn’t help the animal.”

After a terrible scream there was deathly silence
And there were also earwitnesses to the night of death: “At first it sounded as if the dog in the garden was fighting with something, it was barking. Then suddenly he let out a terrible scream. And then it was dead quiet.” The next day the dog was not seen again.

This all happened in January and after intensive police investigation, a complaint has now been filed for suspected animal cruelty – against the owner himself, a 48-year-old, who has so far been innocent. Who legally had weapons in their home.

Owner denies the crime
He gave the officers a completely different version: his dog had been shot and injured by an unknown person and then died in the car on the way to the veterinary clinic.

“The autopsy yielded a different result,” said police spokesman Fritz Grundnig. Namely: “The dog was hit by the first shot from a short distance and was seriously injured. The second shot, also from close range, was fatal.” In between, the dog suffered terrible torments that lasted “several minutes to hours.”

Herrl has presented a new version
Very strange: the dog owner did not do what anyone else would have done immediately: file a complaint against the supposedly unknown person who he believed had shot his dog. Grundnig: “He also became embroiled in contradictions.” And was very reluctant. He did tell police where he had buried the animal’s body in the woods. But refused to help dig it up for the autopsy. He didn’t confess either.

Fritz Grundnig: “He legally owns several weapons that have been provisionally seized.” However, the projectile found in the dog does not match any legally found weapon.

Suspicion of animal abuse
A report has now been filed against the man on suspicion of animal abuse. The entire environment hopes for clarification, someone says it clearly: “The fact that this dog, who was so sweet, affectionate and grateful, was murdered so gruesomely destroys us all! Something like this should not go unpunished, we hope the judge will!” Or: “We don’t want to live near such a man, you are actually afraid of him.” Naturally, the presumption of innocence applies.

Source: Krone


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