Mortgages signed in January 2024, according to data from the INE of Euskadi and Navarra


In the Spanish state, the number of mortgages to buy homes fell by 10.3% year on year in January, representing a cumulative twelve consecutive months of decline.

Taking out new mortgages on homes fell in January Basque Autonomous Community (CAV) 11.7% compared to the same month in 2023, when 1,555 operations were recorded, according to data from the National Statistics Institute (INE). In Navarre The decline was larger, 22.6%, with a total of 374 operations.

However, if the number of operations performed in January is compared with the month before (December 2023), the increase in CAV is 21.39%.

In the first month of this year, a total of 234.82 million euros was lent in the BAC for the establishment of residential mortgages, and in Navarra 46.95 million euros.

In the Spanish state as a whole, 33,128 residential mortgages were taken out in January, 32.9% more than the previous month, but 10.3% less than a year earlier.

Source: EITB


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