But There Are Problems – A Real Fuss About The Guardians Of Time


He took on the controversial guardians of the time and gave them a home in St. Johann am Wimberg (Upper Austria) (we reported). And then Christoph Scheiblhofer (49) got an idea. He wanted to hire the guards for a few cases of beer. The “Krone” asked how it went.

“There have been many questions, even one from Lower Austria,” says the Mühlviertler. Until now, however, Scheiblhofer has done business with only a few. “They all want me to deliver the guards to them, but that’s not possible. I really don’t have time for that,” he says.

However, he has already hired out two of his guards. One was established in Gramastetten. In another community, the guard caused a minor family conflict. Because the father of the “tenant” did not want the guard to stand in front of the common house.

Is there one last big gig?
Scheiblhofer still knows what will happen to the artefacts. “At my big 50th birthday party in August, everyone is back in line. After that, however, I will consider whether or not to sell one or the other. I have already received enough offers from interested parties,” says the Mühlviertler.

Source: Krone


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