With a company car – speeder stopped at 203 km/h on the Tyrolean highway


An Italian sports car was stopped by police on Saturday at 203 km/h on the Tyrolean Brenner motorway. The driver, a 59-year-old Swiss, had to surrender his driver’s license immediately. However, because he was driving a company car, the car was not impounded.

Shortly after 6pm on Saturday, the speedster roared past a civilian police patrol on the A13 in the municipality of Steinach am Brenner. “A usable speed of 203 km/h was measured,” police said.

Rushed across the construction site
The 59-year-old Swiss also raced on the construction site of the Lueg Bridge. The speed was measured at 145 km/h at a speed limit of 60. The driver was eventually arrested and his driver’s license was temporarily confiscated on the spot. “The authority refrained from confiscating the vehicle because it was a company vehicle,” said the director.

Source: Krone


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