Breathe a sigh of relief in Lower Austria: search dog “Faunus” finds missing pensioner


An 83-year-old woman was reported missing from a nursing home in Lower Austria on Friday afternoon. Search dog teams, fire brigade and police immediately started looking for the missing person. Success was reported around noon: search dog “Faunus” discovered the missing person.

In the Wiener Neustadt district it is time to breathe a sigh of relief: a missing 83-year-old woman was found during a search on Saturday in Brunn an der Pitten, part of Bad Erlach.

Pensioner found to be hypothermic
Four-legged ‘Faunus’ with dog handler Michael Jaronik and helper Vanessa Pal discovered the householder hypothermic but in a forest near the facility, the Red Cross of Lower Austria reported on Saturday. The pensioner was taken to hospital after first aid.

Numerous rescuers on duty
According to the fire brigade, the 83-year-old had been missing since late Friday afternoon. The woman was discovered on Saturday afternoon. The search involved 48 Red Cross employees, including 20 dog handlers, several fire brigades, police and drones.

Source: Krone


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