Guardian staff will decide on Monday whether to start an indefinite strike


In the general meetings convened by the works council, they will explain “what can be done to put an end to Guardian’s plans”, such as stopping work in order to “not be participants” in the dismantling of the company.

The multinational works council Protective glassformed by ELA and LAB, has proposed to the staff to create a indefinite strikeafter announcing its factory in Llodio (Álava). So it will be next Monday, January 27when the workers of the Alava factory decide whether to start an indefinite protest or not.

They called for that general meetings. In it, they will explain the situation to staff and ask them “what can be done to stop Guardian’s plans”, such as stopping work to “not be a participant” in the dismantling of the company.

The strike was to begin one day before the kiln closure began, i.e. the day February 2as the American multinational that owns the factory has decided that the closure will begin on February 3.

According to the committee, “they want to do it quickly and without backtracking.” “The chosen shutdown process closes the door to the entry of other potential investors,” they noted.

Therefore, the first layoffs could start in March, although the emblematic company of Llodio plans to close permanently in June.

Source: EITB


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