In front of the bus stop, the man wanted to kidnap the child (10) in the van


There is horror in Siegendorf. An unknown man took a student’s hand at the bus stop on Friday morning and tried to kidnap the girl. The research is in full swing.

Friday shortly after 7 a.m. a girl – as usual – was waiting at the Sonnengasse stop in Siegendorf. The ten year old was all alone. Her girlfriend, who normally accompanies her on her way to school, was in an earlier bus this time.

Unknown man in van
Suddenly a white van stopped and a strange man got out. In broken German the stranger asked if the student wanted to come with him. He has “something sweet”. “I’ll bring you wherever you want.” Then he took the child’s hand and wanted to drag him to the vehicle. “Fortunately, a couple got around the corner. When the witnesses showed up, the unknown man let go of the child, stepped behind the wheel and ran away, “said the reconstruction of the crime.

The discharged cigarette of the perpetrator was found
The incident was reported immediately. At school, the girl was cared for outside of class. Despite this frightening experience, the ten -year -old responded with the presence of mind. She was extremely attentive and could remember many details. According to your description, the unknown man, between 40 and 50 years old, wore a dark, ‘somewhat dirty’ work trousers, a black sweater from the half-timbered brand Engelbert-Strauss and a cap.

The girl describes the behavior of the perpetrator as “very decisive”. “The suspect smoked and smoke for alcohol,” said the child. The discarded cigarette butt was found. The man fled in a ‘pretty dirty’ van with a Viennese license plate. The first specific instructions are already available after the report.

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This is not the only ad! According to parents, the authorities have so far registered seven of such cases this year, which took place in the Districts Eisenstadt and Neusiedl. “Funny, it always happens at the same time of the year. “In Siegendorf, similar attacks take place between Christmas and the semester vacation and shortly before the summer holidays,” said families.

Source: Krone


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