Asylum Statistics 2024 – Austria accepts more ‘Dublin’ refugees


In the so-called ‘Dublin process’, more refugees come to Austria than are transferred to other European countries. This is evident from the asylum statistics of 2024. Many questions mainly come from Germany.

While nearly 1,200 transfers from Austria took place, more than 1,500 asylum seekers from other countries were reduced. The “Dublin procedure” stipulates that the state where the refugee is first registered is responsible for the procedure.

During consultations between the domestic authorities and those of other countries, agreement was reached in 3,744 that the other country was responsible. The number of actual transfers was considerably lower with 1,184. The authorities in Croatia were most often consulted, followed by those in Bulgaria, Germany and Italy.

Conflict with Berlin threatens
Foreign authorities turned to their Austrian colleagues more often. In 7,168 cases it was assumed that Austria was responsible. Only in 3,043 cases did the Austrian authorities see this in the same way. Eventually 1,511 people entered the country. The most common requests came from Italy, France and especially Germany.

There, CDU candidate for Chancellor Friedrich Merz recently made it clear that he did not want to get that far and to keep refugees in the actually responsible countries with consistent access controls. Minister of the Interior Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) regards controls as legitimate, but would not accept “illegal rejections”.

Most deportations were not about “Dublin cases”
Last year a total of 6,954 people were forced out the country. This means that the “Dublin Falls” (1184) was a relatively small part of this. The largest groups were Syrians, Algerines and Moroccans. For comparison: just the number of slow suits that the country has been plotted is considerably higher than all “Dublin cases” together. 1,807 people were deported to the neighboring country.

Source: Krone


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