It is important to note that the 37.5 hours a week does not have to reduce the daily day. You can also give more vacation days because the calculation is annually.
The reduction of the working day to 37.5 hours a week would go to Hego Euskal Herria, the majority of the home, trade, transport and hospitality sector.
The design approved by the Spanish government council collects ministers that the day will be on average 37.5 hours Annual calculation. DELETED Holidays and holidays, and multiplied the weeks of effective work, maximum 1712 hours A year compared to 1,820 today. That is, 108 hours less.
According to the Ministry of Labor of the Government of Spain, collective negotiations in each sector or company will be responsible for specifying how that is applied in jobs.
Could be an option Reduce equivalent minutes every daySo that an eight -hour shift would be reduced by half an hour. And the other option is to give More days of Libranzawithin the total annual account of hours. So who would be today Two more weeks on vacation A year.
When does it come into force?
The aim of the Ministry of Labor is that the standard for the summer is published in the official State Gazette (BOE), so that companies can have adjustment for a few months.
However, there are necessary earlier steps before the design can come into effect in the council of ministers. The rule will receive the provisional reports from the Council of States and the Economic and Social Council of Spain (CES) to return as a bill to the Council of Ministers, this process will end at the end of February, according to the Ministry of Labor.
Along these lines, at the beginning of March, the bill will introduce the voice in the congress of representatives, where parliamentary groups can introduce changes before their final approval, for which the government needs a parliamentary majority.
Companies have a maximum period of eL December 31, 2025 To adapt to the maximum day of 37.5 hours.
How is it applied?
For the purposes of this initiative, a Schedule controlSo all companies will be obliged to use a digital registration system that is accessible to employees and for the Labor Inspectorate, which will work for “real -time”, as explained by the Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz
To do this, the employees will immediately sign the start and completion of the working day and register his interruptions.
Harding Sanctions
The government will even decorate 10,000 euros As an employee to companies that do not meet the time registration and the reduction of the maximum weekly day, instead of doing this worldwide.
In particular the violation of legal or agreed standards and borders 2000 euros; Up to its average degree, from 2001 to 5000 euros and up to the maximum degree, from 5001 to 10,000 euros.
Source: EITB

I’m Wayne Wickman, a professional journalist and author for Today Times Live. My specialty is covering global news and current events, offering readers a unique perspective on the world’s most pressing issues. I’m passionate about storytelling and helping people stay informed on the goings-on of our planet.