Putin’s prostate


For example, I see him lying in the plastic surgeon’s operating room, letting himself be glued with hypodermic needles full of Botox, terrified of showing himself as a sharp point to his wrinkled young lover.

Prostate exams are one of the sophisticated pleasures that life reserves for the over-50s. There must be a benefit to getting old! The patient finds himself fragile and insignificant as he crouches down at a wall full of diplomas and surrenders to the hands of the doctor, who also sometimes talks and tells the game as he progresses through the spinal cord. “A little big,” he says, and you don’t know whether to be proud or to go and post the obituary, so embarrassing.

Lately I’ve been imagining Putin doing prostate exams on a loop. Maybe it’s because they say he has cancer or because I notice his disfigured face, the fact is I never think of him giving icy orders to frightened generals in an office, but in difficult medical trances, like Nanni Moretti in ‘Caro Diario’. For example, I see him lying in the plastic surgeon’s operating room, getting stuck with Botox-filled syringes, terrified of showing himself as a sharpei to his wrinkled young lover. He said, however, that I often picture him in the urologist’s office: there you have Emperor Vladimir, neo-tsar of all Russians, squatting and with his ass in pomp while a certain trembling doctor feels his prostate from behind. It must be a bad drink for Putin, a Siberian fighter with a machete and loincloth, to take the humiliation of knowing that he is human, old, weak and mortal.

Let’s not rule out the possibility that biology lends us a hand. In his biography of Oliveira Salazar, Marco Ferreri reminds us that one fine day the Portuguese dictator dealt a blow in the callista’s office and the deal ran out there.

Source: La Verdad


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