Stolen rose bushes, smeared posters – and now a cyber fraudster impersonates the mayor of Krems. In the election campaign, of course, the nerves are on edge!
Politicians are used to substantive attacks during election campaigns. A week and a half before the municipal elections in Krems, Mayor Reinhard Resch was also the victim of a cyber attack. Using a fake email address but the city chief’s real name, a fake account sent emails to city officials and local councils on Wednesday.
Wrong mayor wrote, really enlightened
“Could you please take a moment to help me complete a task discreetly?” the fake mayor asked in the email (see facsimile below). “I’d rather call you by phone, but I can’t make or receive calls right now, so don’t call me.” Sincerely, Reinhard Resch, Mayor of Krems,” the letter ends.
police investigated
Fortunately, the real mayor was quickly aware of the wrong post. “I immediately made it clear that this letter is not from me,” says Resch of the “Krone”. After the SPÖ top candidate had provided clarification, the police will now deal with the question of who is behind the fake account.
Whether this will be clear before the September 4 elections remains to be seen. However, it is clear that the political climate has become rougher due to vandalism – the “Krone” reported – and the “election campaign for fair weather” that many had expected has not materialized…
Source: Krone

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