“The quota needs to be renewed and I hope that the will remains to continue to benefit Euskadi”


The president of Bizkai Buru Batzar has defended the Basque Economic Agreement because even if you pay more, you get more autonomy.

Euskaraz irakurri: Atutxa: “Kupoa berritu behar da, eta Euskadirentzat ona izatenjaritzea I hope”

The chairman of the Bizkai Buru Batzar of the PNV Itxaso Atutxa defended the Basque Economic Concert on Friday in the program ‘Boulevard’ of Radio Euskadi, ‘because it gives us more autonomy’. However, he recalled that it is necessary to extend the quota, and since this is a bilateral decision between the two governments, Atutxa hopes that the will remains so that the result remains good for Euskadi.

The Basque Country will pay 1,680 million euros in quota to the Spanish state in 2023, 19% more, and 559 million in investments, 14% more, received from the General State Budget (PGE). In that sense, Atutxa has assured that “we have to pay more”, although he has clarified that the calculation is preliminary, based on the previous five-year period, so “it is a figure to review”. Still, he has argued that with the quota, it is a one-sided risk that Euskadi is taking, “because it is beneficial”.

The president of Bizkai Buru Batzar explained that they received the draft budgets at noon on Thursday and therefore had “a few hours” to study it. “But the first impressions are that it does indeed seem that they have an important social and helpful character.”

However, he criticized that the draft proposal “forgets something very important that Europe is pushing: investing in industry to transform the economy and change the production structure”.

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Source: EITB


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