End of year report from lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu of the Basque government, December 31, 2022


The lehendakari has listed the main challenges for the new year, among which “keep improving the health system” has taken on particular relevance. “I say it clearly: we will continue to strengthen Osakidetza’s professional staff,” he stressed.

Euskaraz irakurri: Osakidetzaren “zailtasunak eta arazoak” bideratzea izango da Jaurlaritzaren 2023ko lehentasunetako bat

The Basque government is considering five challenges to start the new year “with hope”. Next strengthening the economy, innovation, energy transition and the demographic challengethe lehendakari that Iñigo Urkullu created special emphasis on the fifth objective that you mentioned under the heading “Health and quality of life“. After noticing that the pandemic “It has put a strain on all health systems in the world, including ours,” shared one Reflection on the situation of the Basque public health system.

In the traditional end-of-year message, Urkullu acknowledges “problems and difficulties”. osakidetza Therefore, “continuing to improve a health system that we have always been proud of” will be one of the executive’s priorities in 2023. “We are going to spare no effort to achieve this,” he qualified.

In this sense, he has assured that they will strengthen “the Osakidetza staff” and prioritize the improvement of the first concern. “I say it clearly: we will continue to strengthen Osakidetza’s professional staff. We will prioritize the improvement of primary care in a single Osakidetza that we are all a part of,” he added.

In a speech of nearly seven minuteshas also referred to challenges such as the employment, innovation, climate change and youth empowerment. He has admitted that there is “room for improvement” in all these areas and has explained that in order to channel it, they will continue to work “proximity and cooperation” in favor of the agreements, “with a special focus on those who have it most needed”.

In the economic field, it has opted for create more and better jobs, and emphasized that there are opportunities for this in Euskadi. “We must continue to demonstrate that the Basque Country is an attractive place to work”.

Likewise, it has viewed urgency as a “greater ambition” on the road to tenergy transitionbetting on “new energy sources” or the “circular economy”.

On the other hand, he has affirmed that “innovation” and “research” are the key to the future, and has chosen to emancipation of youth in the center, to cope with the demographic decline.

However, in a scenario marked by “uncertainty” and “insecurity”, the lehendakari have called for “a calm, positive and global outlook” aside from the “risk of giving up”. To this end, he has also encouraged society to “reflect on the efforts of our predecessors” to overcome difficulties “thanks to their vision”.

Finally, he reminded that executing all of these is challenging responsibility of society as a wholeand you mentioned “collaboration” as key to that.

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Source: EITB


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