Contradiction – Gewessler: Chancellor must take the climate crisis seriously


After Karl Nehemmer (ÖVP) gave a speech to the nation on Friday and also formulated the phrase “Austria is the car country par excellence”, the green coalition partner responded on Saturday. Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler criticized “that the ideological adherence to the internal combustion engine and a little technology will not save the climate”. She advises the Chancellor to take the climate crisis seriously.

Nehammer said on Friday that banning meat consumption and cars is not the answer to the climate crisis. “Austria is the car country par excellence,” he said of the industry, and “I will also speak out against banning the internal combustion engine”.

On Friday, the Greens initially expressed their reservations, on Saturday the Green Minister for Climate Protection Gewessler referred to the green core issue in a written press release: “It turns out once again: when it comes to climate protection, you can only rely on the Greens. We have the plastic a deposit has been enforced, we have set up the climate check for highway projects and we have created the climate ticket.”

“We take the climate crisis seriously, the chancellor should too”
“We will certainly not let ourselves be diverted from this path. Our goal is climate happiness,” she emphasized. The Greens would make sure “this country will still be worth living in ten years time. We take the climate crisis and the concerns of the people of Austria seriously. The chancellor should do the same.”

SPÖ calls for “LESS BLAH”
SPÖ and FPÖ again demanded an immediate rent reduction on Saturday. The SPÖ took advantage of Nehammer’s speech to underline their demands on Friday evening with a video projection using a beamer at the Federal Chancellery. “BLASH LESS, DO MORE. HIRE STOP NOW, LORD NEHAMMER!” was on the facade of the Chancellery. In concrete terms, the SPÖ is demanding an immediate rent brake for all rental apartments – both for benchmark and category rents and for all so-called free rents, according to the party. According to the SPÖ concept, rent increases should be suspended until the end of 2025. After that, rent increases should be limited to a maximum of two percent per year.

Criticism also from the liberals
FPÖ construction spokesman Philipp Schrangl made a similar statement on Saturday: “The lip service to ÖVP Chancellor Nehammer’s housing policy is completely unbelievable. Where is the effective rent brake? Why are social rental properties being sold to investors?” he asked. “What Chancellor Nehammer hid in his anointing speech yesterday is that his ÖVP Economy Minister Kocher is burying non-profit housing with his 700,000 affordable apartments.”

Minister of Labor and Economy Kocher has meanwhile announced that he intends to promote the free master craftsman exam promised by Nehammer. The craftsman exam is the “most important form of qualification for handicrafts and a relevant certificate of qualification for self-employment of trade,” said the department head.

Kocher pointed out that the costs for the preparatory courses for the master builder’s qualification test were 11,450 euros – plus 1,906 euros for the exam fee, the total cost came to 13,356 euros. The master craftsman exam for electrical engineers comes to a total of 6281 euros, that for hairdressers at 2918 euros. “Given the high demand for skilled workers in the coming years, it is important that we make dual learning even more attractive. The Master’s exam, like studying, should be free,” says Kocher.

Source: Krone


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