Short sticky action – protest: politicians stayed on bike path


KFG club president Alexis Pascuttini glued himself to the bike path on St. Peter Hauptstrasse on Wednesday morning to take a stand against the current traffic concepts in the city of Graz.

“We are the last generation that still manages to realize a reasonable traffic concept in Graz. For us, this means that all road users work together and not against each other. Cyclists are clearly favored in all traffic concepts at the moment, which just can’t go well in the long run, as many people can’t or don’t want to cycle for various reasons,” Alexis Pascuttini explains the sticky campaign.

“Act in the interests of all Grazers”
Only investing millions in the expansion of cycle paths while forgetting all other road users cannot be the solution. “Bicycle paths should be built where it makes sense, but not everywhere and at any cost. This bike path here in St. Peter is almost never used, but it cost a lot of money to build it,” emphasizes the KFG club president.
It builds up here day after day and the population suffers from the resulting bad air. In the future, the KPÖ-led coalition’s own left-left ideals and wishful thinking must be put aside and acted in the interests of all Grazers.

The action was over in less than a minute
After about a minute, the “paste” campaign was over again. “We only ‘clamped’ ourselves for a while because, unlike the real climate stickers, we haven’t been in the ‘social hammock’ and we all have a job that we like to do every day,” says Pascuttini.

FPÖ criticizes protest
Criticism of the action came from the FPÖ. Impartial politicians would now desperately fight for attention and harass road users: “The puppet theater at the expense of all road users in Graz must stop! Playing different road users against each other does not solve any problem. Sticking to asphalt and trying to blackmail the general does not contribute to any solution,” says Dominik Hausjell, the city party manager of the Graz FPÖ.

Source: Krone


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