Survey for the Irun municipal elections


The formations that would lose the most would be the Socialists, going from 10 councilors to 9, and Elkarrekin, from 4 to 3. At the other end of the scale, EH Bildu would get 2 extra councillors, and the PNV could lose its representation. enlarge one by one in the church council.

Euskaraz irakurri: PSE-EEk irabaziko luke Irunen, baina botoak et orderzkariak galduko lituzke, EH Bilduren mesedetan

The PSE-EE would win in Irun with 9 representatives, but would lose 4.1% of the vote, which would translate into 1 or 2 councilors less. EH Bildu would be the formation that would grow the most, going from 3 to 5 councillors, with 4.6% more votes.

As shown by this special edition of the EITB Focus macro survey, just two months before the municipal and regional elections, in which citizens elect their representatives in the General Assemblies and the town halls, who in turn later elect deputy generals and mayors.

For its part, the PNV would also get at least one extra representative, with 3.2% more votes in its favour. Elkarrekin would lose one and the PP would stay with a mayor.


PDF: EITB FOCUS, complete overview of 11 municipalities in the Basque Country

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Source: EITB


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