Agreement between Podemos and Más País to participate in the Andalusian elections together


This confluence of the left is also joined by IU, Equo, Alianza Verde and the Andalusian People’s Initiative. The unit list was born in accordance with the message of the second vice president Yolanda Díaz.

Euskaraz irakurri: We can Mas Pais alderdiak elkarrekin aurkeztuko dira Andaluziako hauteskundeetara

The unity candidacy of the left in Andalusia, voted ‘in extremis’ last midnight for the elections for the Andalusian parliament next June 19represents the first milestone of a regrouping strategy that the formations that make up United We Can have been proclaiming for months, in accordance with the new speech of the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz.

In addition, reference is made to the integration same list of Podemos and Más Paísafter the internal conflict that led to the split of the supporters of Íñigo Errejón and the subsequent creation of this party.

At the stroke of midnight both formations, along with IU, Equo, Green Alliance and Andalusian People’s Initiativereached a political agreement to formulate this confluence list, which had been in the works since February.

Podemos, who bet on the winner of his primaries and deputy to the congress, Juan Antonio Delgado, has handed over the candidacy for the presidency of Andalusia to Inmaculada Nieto, IU leader

Influence of Yolanda Diaz

Especially in the elaboration of the confluence pact influenced the position of the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz.that of the leadership of the confederate space has declared its intention to promote a new platform, although without confirming that it would be a candidate, with an electoral horizon.

In addition, during this time he has given brushstrokes to this project, which wants to start with a listening process, with transversal characternot limited to the left side of the PSOE and where the citizen should have the leading role and wherever the parties are, but in a more subordinate role.


On the other hand, the agreement concluded presupposes the transfer of Podemos from the candidacy of the presidency to the board of directors in favor of IU, which is a change in trend marked in regional elections since 2023

Instead, it will have four heads of the provincial list and a possible majority of the parliamentary fraction, compared to what is happening at the moment, as it has no deputies after the split in the parliamentary fraction with the sector of Adelante Andalucía, led by Teresa Rodríguez and who has not joined this unit?despite last minute calls to offer its recording.

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Source: EITB


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