Iñaki Ruiz de Pinedo, Oskar Matute, Mertxe Aizpurua and Bel Pozueta will lead the Congressional lists, while Josu Estarrona, Jasone Agirre, Gorka Elejabarrieta and Koldo Leoz will lead EH Bildu’s Senate lists.
the foundations of EH Bildu have ratified the candidacies proposed by the coalition political tables for the general elections next July 23, for both the Congress and the Senatesaid this Saturday in a press release.
The voting period for the referendum ended at midnight on Friday. In this way, the militancy has ratified with a wide back the candidacies proposed by the political tables of EH Bildu.
In Araba/Alavasupport was 97.95% in the case of candidacies for deputies, while the list heads proposed by EH Bildu for the Senate were endorsed by 97.26% of bases.
In Biscaythe support was 99.18% in the case of candidacies for Congress, and 98.34% in the case of those who chose to hold office in the Senate.
Likewise inside Guipuzkoa97.83% of militants have expressed their support for the candidacies proposed for Congress, while in the case of the Senate it was 97.53%.
In Navarrethe candidacies for deputies have been supported by 98.78% of the bases, while the proposals to become a senator have reached the support of 98.32%.
These are the candidacies of EH Bildu:
– Congress: Iñaki Ruiz de Pinedo, Maider García de Vicuña, Iñigo Martínez, Rocío Vitero. Substitutes: Mikel Otero, Ainhize Solaun, Belen Arrondo.
– Senate: Josu Estarrona, Aitziber Salazar, Pablo Vicente.
– Congress: Oskar Matute, Marije Fullaondo, Andoni Rojo, Helena Franco, Dani Maeztu, Izortze Santin, Cesar Fandiño, Ane Muguruza. Substitutes: Tontxu Campos, Oihana Azkorbebeitia, Aitziber Ibaibarriaga.
– Senate: Jasone Agirre, Pello Zabarte, Natalia Gardeazabal.
– Congress: Mertxe Aizpurua, Jon Iñarritu, Maddalen Urzelai, Larraitz Ugarte, Pello Urizar, Maddalen Iriarte. Substitutions: Jule Goikoetxea, Mohamed Salem Mohamed Hamudi, Ainhoa Beola.
– Senate: Gorka Elejabarrieta, Olaia Duarte, Mario Zubiaga.
– Congress: Bel Pozueta, Patri Perales, Raúl Maiza, Edurne León, Joseba Asiron. Substitutes: Idoia Aritzala, Ander Oroz, Bakartxo Ruiz.
– Senate: Koldo Leoz, Amets Inda, Joseba Otondo.
Source: EITB

I am Ida Scott, a journalist and content author with a passion for uncovering the truth. I have been writing professionally for Today Times Live since 2020 and specialize in political news. My career began when I was just 17; I had already developed a knack for research and an eye for detail which made me stand out from my peers.