US primaries – “Wants to end wars”: Vilimsky supports Trump


The FPÖ’s leading candidate for the EU elections, Harald Vilimsky, is backing Donald Trump in his bid to become president of the United States of America again. When Vilimsky was asked at a press conference in Innsbruck on Thursday, he mainly emphasized Trump’s efforts to achieve peace in the world: “Anyone who wants to end wars can only find my support.”

The top liberal official praised the former US president, who is currently dominating the Republican Party’s primaries, for “not starting any wars.”

Trump is currently the only one on the geopolitical stage who “stands up for peace in Ukraine and in the Middle East.”

“Trump better than Biden”
However, under current President Joe Biden and his “no longer controlled government” there would be “one fire after another” and Americans would add fuel to the fire: “That’s why anything is better than this Mr. Biden.” Trump would also take action against ‘globalism’ and he has proven this during his time in office. Vilimsky gave another reason why he supports the Republican.

Svazek also recently attended the Trump gala in New York
According to the former Secretary General, there is no FPÖ party line in this regard. Vilimsky has maintained good contacts with Trump’s Republicans for several years, is often in the US and, according to his own statements, has, among other things, obtained a “Memorandum of Understanding” with the “New York Young Republican Club”. . Salzburg FPÖ leader Marlene Svazek also attended a fundraising gala for young Republicans in New York in December, where donations were collected for Trump’s re-candidacy.

Source: Krone


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