Sanchez activates electoral regime in PSOE


Beyond the political game, congress or press conferences in Monclo, there is work that is not visible, but is aimed at preparing for the 2023 regional and municipal elections. Thirteen months left before this election, but the PSOE has put in place an electoral regime. “We are already campaigning,” admits the prominent socialist leader.

What has changed is the expectations of the Socialists. Although in October, when the PSOE marked the 40th Congress as the initial signal for the opening cycle, Pedro Sanchez’s intention was to introduce a new team that would identify with the recovery following the pandemic; But the Russian invasion of Ukraine thwarted this plan, and Moncloe had to activate a state mechanism to mitigate the effect of historically uncertain inflation due to rising energy prices.

In parallel – now facing a new crisis and, on the other hand, an economic boom – Ferraz began to prepare the ground. The elections in Castile and Le ლეn were a turning point in this paper given that the emergence of Vox and the emergence of empty Spanish platforms, especially in Soria, forced the PSOE to set up two working groups to analyze both phenomena.

The wrath in the rural world bothered the Socialists as early as last week, March 19, before a large demonstration of farmers, ranchers and hunters. A few days earlier, Ferraz had summoned the general secretaries of the provinces to address the demographic challenge. “We are asking for a report on how this is going,” they said in a statement to the PSOE.

Open the fronts in the field

There are fears in the PSOE that Vox’s discourse will spread to the first sector, as has largely happened in Castile and Le ლეn, despite government efforts in laws such as the food chain or aid management. But the Socialists know that they have many open fronts in rural areas, as is the case with the Donana irrigation in Huelva, an issue in which agricultural and environmental interests clash and in which the PSOE is positioned in favor of legalizing some. Acres in adjacent municipalities, vs. Brussels and an empty Andalusian parliament.

Hunting, which has traditionally been a controversial issue for the PSOE, has also been on Ferrero-Waldner’s agenda in recent weeks, due to sector outrage that is important in regions such as Castilla-La Mancha, Andalusia or Extremadura. The Socialist leadership received representatives from the Royal Spanish Hunting Federation (RFEC) and the National Hunting Office (ONC) this week and promised to exclude ancillary hunting animals from a bill on animal protection, rights and welfare, the deadline for which was to submit amendments. Approaching the end. The hunters also began to set up a work desk to address issues of interest to the hunting sector, thus burying the hatch.

Meanwhile, Ferraz also carefully activates the machine. On March 21, the Secretary of Electoral Activities, Javier Izquierdo, met with officials from various federations in this area. Reason? “Let’s put the batteries in,” replies one of the attendees on the date. In addition to analyzing the experience of the last 13 February elections, the intention was to explain what tools the party had for working on the election campaign.

The main tool is Bloise, a platform that contains historical results according to spreadsheets. “It tells you where to work harder, or where not to go, because we can activate the right,” explains the person in charge of the regional election campaign. Now the intention is that the department headed by Izquierdo goes to all the federations to prepare the teams to read this data.

Applications by the end of the year

Ferraz also intends to have municipal and regional candidates ready by the end of the year. “We will accept the proposals of the federations,” say management sources about the primaries calendars proposed by the territories. At the regional level, it is normal for candidates to be newly elected Presidents or Secretaries-General.

This dynamic will work this time around in Madrid, according to management sources who suggest Juan Lobato will be the candidate against Isabel Diaz Ayuso. The plan of the Madrid Federation is to settle the process as soon as possible, in September, so as not to arouse suspicion and raise it before the President of Madrid. However, Ferraz knows it is a difficult pitch and puts “high beams” on the assumption that it will be difficult to seize power from the PP after the vast majority was harvested less than a year ago.

The first test for the Socialists after the bitter defeat in Castilla y Le ლეn will be in Andalusia, where Juan Espadas has a significant challenge – to restore the junta that Susanna Diaz lost for the first time in 37 years of socialist power. The delay in this election serves the former mayor of Seville, who is in the process of being recognized beyond the capital of Seville; But fears that the right will still win are in the ranks of the PSOE-A, where they believe the first coalition government in which Vox will be represented can mobilize its own.

Source: El Diario


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