Lawmakers Asked Police Chief: “Pass Gun Ban!”


Considering the current dangerous situation with numerous violent crimes and stabbings, Viennese police chief Gerhard Pürstl made it clear in the interview with “We are very present where a lot is happening. With numerous focus campaigns, including throughout districts with guide dogs, WEGA and call units. We are there to contain the scene, prevent danger and intervene if necessary.”

Pürstl indicates that he agrees with the proposed ban on weapons in public spaces: “This is about the fundamental question: why should someone carry a weapon on the street, in public spaces? As police chief I say no to that! And it’s not just about guns, but also about the issue of knives. We want to counter that with the weapons ban.’ They don’t want to ban snack knives or small Swiss knives, but it is unacceptable for everyone to walk around with knives and arm themselves and move in public spaces. Pürstl: “I am in favor of continuing the weapons ban, but the legislator will of course be asked for this.”

When it comes to checks on weapons bans, targeted actions and checks will take place in places where the law is known to be repeatedly broken. However, pointing out violations of the law is often the waste product of other police officers taking place. “But in principle it will be easier for the police if there is a general regulation that clearly states that only those who have the authority and permission to do so are allowed to carry weapons in public spaces.”

“Not difficult to implement”
If there is a ban on weapons in public spaces, the police will not need a long transition period to prepare for it. Pürstl: “It is not difficult to implement and it is understandable for everyone.”

“No no-go area in Vienna”
The police chief denies rumors that there are areas in Vienna where the police themselves would hesitate to intervene. Pürstl: “There is no no-go area in Vienna. The police go wherever they are called, go where and when action is needed. We are there to prevent crimes against life and limb and not to hide.”

Watch the entire interview in the video above!

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Source: Krone


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