Possible pacts after the Catalan elections on May 12, 2024


A tripartite agreement between PSC (42), ERC (20) and Comuns-Sumar (6) would provide the 68 seats needed to govern. The independence bloc is far from having an absolute majority and won 59 seats (or 61 if we include Aliança).

The election results in the elections for the Catalan parliament will make the elections possible absolute majority for the left bloc composed of PSC, ERC and Comuns-Sumar by exceeding the necessary 68 seats out of the 135 seats that make up the Parliament.

The winner of the elections, Salvador Illa, could be sworn in as President of Parliament, adding to the 42 seats won by his party, the PSC, the 20 won by the ERC and the 6 by Comuns -Sumar. In addition, if the CUP (4) were to join this formula, the absolute majority would be surpassed more comfortably, reaching 72 seats.

With the outcome of the elections, a remarkable fact is the loss of the majority of the pro-independence forces and that is that the sum of JxCat (35), ERC (20), the CUP (4) and Aliança Catalana (2) is not exceeds 61 seats, which is far from the record reached in 2021, when the party candidates for the independence of Catalonia achieved an absolute majority in seats (74) and votes (52%) for the first time.

Source: EITB


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