What choice of words did the Secretary General of Basis.Kultur.Wien use? And how a graphic designer was called in for private assignments during his service.
At the well-known Viennese association Basis.Kultur.Wien, the tone has apparently taken some getting used to in recent years. The boss was personally responsible for this: Monika Erb, the general secretary and director of an institution that, according to her own statement, should form “the heart and direct connection of the city of Vienna with those who work in art and culture”: “Our educational and cultural institution functions as an umbrella organization with further training opportunities and financial resources for more than 300 affiliated associations in their voluntary cultural work”.
The board of directors is therefore prominently present: the Mayor of Vienna Michael Ludwig is an honorary member and the former President of the State Parliament, Harry Copytz, is President.
Massive accusations of racism are now being levelled against Basis.Kultur.Wien boss Erb, who has also been in charge of the Tschaunerbühne since June 2016: she is said to have used the terms “Showcase-Tschusch” and “Tschusch” during meetings.
“I call these people this…”
One day, such a “model Tschusch” would have to be found to meet the requirements of the city of Vienna as an inclusion sponsor. Another time, during a party, Monika Erb is said to have told a foreign guest present that he was “a tschush” for her; “That’s what I call these people.”
The Secretary-General does not deny the statements to the Crown: “The use of the word ‘Tschush’ was long ago as a reflection of my many friends from the Bosnian-Croat-Serb community who called themselves that.” This referential use” has now “completely ceased”. Racism has no place in her life or in her work environment.
Apologies to the assembled staff
The works council of Basis.Kultur.Wien also confirms the allegations against the sole director: “With regard to the statement ‘Tschusch’, it is true that there have been statements in the past that were experienced as insensitive. As a works council, we pointed this out to Mrs. Erb and she therefore paid a lot of attention to the politically correct use of language.” In the present case, Erb also apologized to the assembled employees for her choice of words.
Overall, however, the employee representatives would like to state that Ms. Erb is experienced as “a very caring and compassionate boss.”
Design for a family gravestone
Not all employees saw it this way in the past. According to Krone research, a graphic designer employed by Basis.Kultur.Wien has also been used in recent years for private assignments from the secretary general, which were interpreted as instructions from the boss and were carried out for her during her working hours.
Specifically, this involves a design for a gravestone for the family of the Secretary General, graphic work for her family pilgrimage, graphic designs for a trip to Nice, wine labels and a Vietnamese evening with the Woller-Erb family. Monika Erb is married to the current President of the Vienna Parliament, Ernst Woller.
Monika Erb explains: “In rare cases, these small graphic services were requested by me outside working hours and in exchange for a private service, and my colleague was always happy to accept the additional assignments. These activities have “no relation to each other”. to the employment relationship.” confessed. The Secretary General says: “In any case, I have always paid great attention to a clear separation between private and official matters.”
Source: Krone
I am Ida Scott, a journalist and content author with a passion for uncovering the truth. I have been writing professionally for Today Times Live since 2020 and specialize in political news. My career began when I was just 17; I had already developed a knack for research and an eye for detail which made me stand out from my peers.