The Spanish government will approve the trans law on June 27, 2022


Among other things, it will allow the name change in the registry without a medical diagnosis. In this way, the text that has caused many controversies, including for the gender self-determination of transgender people, begins its parliamentary process.

Euskaraz irakurri: Espainiako Gobernuak Trans Legea onartu du

Today, on the eve of International Pride Day, the Council of Ministers the trans account, which, among other things, allows the change of sex in the registry without medical or psychological reports. In this way, the norm that has generated conflicting opinions, including through the gender self-determination of transgender people, begins its parliamentary process.

“It is a very important law that continues the task and work that this country has undertaken in 2005 with President Zapatero’s same-sex marriage law,” said the executive branch’s spokesman. Elizabeth Rodriguez

With the new rule, people who want to do a registered change of name and gender must go through a double appearance process In the first place, you cover a form in which you disagree with the stated gender and the change request and receive information about the legal consequences of this change with the request for rectification.

In the second, which must be within a period of no more than three months, the applicant confirms their request and the persistence of their decision to change sex. Within a month of the second appearance, the person in charge of the Civil Registry will issue a resolution.

In addition to this measure, the bill will give lesbians, bisexuals and single women access to human reproduction and the Spanish government commits to prepare a ministerial decree within six months to extend this right to transgender people who are able to conceive.

Likewise, conversion, aversion, or counterconditioning therapies that aim to alter people’s orientation, sexual identity, or gender expression are prohibited, whether or not they have given their consent; consolidates rights for trans and LGTBI people in education and employment; and ensures that transgender healthcare is provided in accordance with the principles of non-pathologizing, autonomy, codecision and informed consent.

This text, now sent to you. go processing phase in Congressalso provides for the inclusion in educational curricula of knowledge and respect for sexual, gender and family diversity as an objective at all stages, as well as training on the subject for all teachers, among other measures.

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Source: EITB


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