Otegi says ‘self-determination is in vogue in Europe’ after Scotland’s referendum


In this regard, the general coordinator of EH Bildu has called for participation in the Vía Pirenaica initiative to relieve the Pyrenees.

Euskaraz irakurri: Otegik esan du “autodeterminazioa modan” dagoela Europan, Eskoziak erreferenduma iragarri ostean

The general coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, has confirmed that “self-determination is fashionable in Europe and in the world” after learning that Scottish President Nicola Sturgeon is a referendum of self-determination in Scotland for next year, when citizens will “decide freely and democratically what model of relationship they want with the UK and with the world”.

In that sense, he assured that it is a debate that “must be held in” Basque Country as well as in the rest of the stateless nations of Europe. Because it’s a democratic debate, because it leaves the decisions in the hands of the people, and because it grants people something that neoliberalism and some states want to cut off, which is that their lives depend on their decisions and not on anyone else.

In his opinion, it is a proposal that is “seen by nature” in the international community, which “will not present any hindrance to international agents”, and he has emphasized that “the Scots will decide their future freely and democratically”.

In this way he pointed out that “the Basque men and women also want to do it, as the Catalans want to do it”.

In this regard, he called for participation in the initiative Pyrenean Road to illuminate the Pyrenees. “It seems to me that it is important to light a light in the Pyrenees that gives hope and security to the people and that demands for our people the right to self-determination, the right to decide. This is the right way, what is fashionable in Europe and what more and more peoples are demanding.When everyone demands the same things, those who are in the opposite direction of history are the ones who try to deny or prevent them.Euskal Herria, with all the independence ambition in the world, will this weekend occupy part of the Pyrenees,” he said.

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Source: EITB


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