Roses-Can Gibert 2-4
Can Gibert has placed the monkey work since the beginning of the rivalry and led the locker with a shot at the Nil Moyan squad. In the second part, the visiting income increased the penalty and a rebound against what was changed to a goal of Moyano himself. The hosts cut off the differences with two goals of Toni’s tires, one of the direct foul and another collecting a bad pass back from the rival rear. Sergi Pascual punished the contest with 2-4 in a vertiginous fight.
Pink: Pavlo; Adam, Ibrahima (Ebrima ,, Alejandro Montoro (Carreras, 70 ‘), éric Pérez; Moha El Asri, El Mehdi, Abel (Guillem Sustre, 61’); The Bassri, Joel Huertas (Oriol Martín, 56 ‘) and Moha Latracht (Toni Wheels, 61 ‘).
Can gibert: Oriole; Simó, Arnau Gallardo (Xavi Francés, 83 ‘), Xavi Camacho, Guillem Coto (Sergi Pascual, 62’); Lamin, Xavi Gasas (Gabri Díaz, 79 ‘), Albert Julià; Bilal, Joan Antoni Member (Barniol, 62 ‘) and Nil Moyano (Aniol, 70’).
Objectives: 0-1, Nil Moyan (27 ‘); 0-2, nilly, pen. (46 ‘); 0-3, Nil Moyian (50 ‘); 1-3, toni wheels (78 ‘); 2-3, toni wheels (86 ‘); 2-4, Sergi Pascual (90 ‘).
Referee: Fernández Vila, well. TA: éric Pérez, Moha El Asri; Sergi Pascual, Xavi Camacho, Gabri Díaz.
Kiss-Argentone 0-4
Despite a promise from which he competed from you in Argentona, he kissed it clearly overcome with strength. Visitors advanced to the end of the first part with a goal of Badre Dahbi after a series of declines in the area, a distance that would not be expanded until 77 ‘, when Victor Yustos changed a maximum penalty. Badre Dahbi finished the contest with a shot from the front and a stub on a kick of the corner.
Kissed: Mario; Sergi González, Alexis (Iván Pérez, 73 ‘), Aleix Velasco, Gabri Artero (Delgado, 81’); Biel Gasca (Jordi Pàmies, 60 ‘), Pol Tarrenchs (Amós Gasca, 60’), Aleix Feixas; Joel Salas, Jordi Turón and édgar Almendros.
Argentona: Joan; Dani Prieto, Aitor (Kevin, 46 ‘), Pau Expósito, Víctor Yustos; Álvaro Yustos (Dani Olmeda, 81 ‘), Gult, Roger Pascual (Velasco, 20’); Sergi Sánchez (Guillem, 66 ‘), David Yustos and Badre Dahbi.
Objectives: 0-1, Badre Dahbi (43 ‘); 0-2, Víctor Yustos, Pen. (77 ‘); 0-3, Badre Dahbi (86 ‘); 0-4, Badre Dahbi (90 ‘).
Referee: Atataoi fetheddine, well. TA: POL TARRENCHS, AMós GASCA; Aitor Hernández, Badre Dahbi, David Yustos.
TORELLó-Juventus Lloret 3-1
High rivalry in the municipality of Torelló. Ilir led the locker at 10 ‘in favor of Juventus Lloret in the second play of a corner. The reaction of the hosts began with a leader of Alan Parra at a side center at the end of the first half and continued to the first panties of the second with the stubbornness of Parra’s stubbornness. Miquel Muñoz punished by Miquel Vilasis of the Direct Fault.
Torelló: Adrià; Cárdenas, Barcoons, Alan Parra (Miquel, 60 ‘), Adam (Vilaró, 71’); Roger Casalprim, Roger Curós (Cañero, 71 ‘), Pau Franquesa; Toni Cao (Bernat, 80 ‘), Zakaria and Marc Llobet.
JUVENTUS LLORET: Nicolás; Vitor Leao, Guilherme (Agustín, 46 ‘), Interf (Luciano, 54’), Kevin Javier; Gonzalo, Juan Cruz, Lucas; Maycol, Ilir and Maha.
Objectives: 0-1, Ilir (10 ‘); 1-1, Alan Parra (44 ‘); 2-1, Alan Parra (49 ‘); 3-1, Miquel Vilastic (88 ‘).
Referee: Rivera Bravo, good. TA: Cárdenas, Roger Curós; Kevin Javier, Gonzalo.
Castellar-Caldes-Montbui 1-1
More efficiency of non -Awarded Castellar. The Juan Antonio Roldán has a clearer opportunity, but it is the Caldes de Montbui that inhabit the apparent with an accurate edge center led by Arnau Fortuny to a counterattack. Local Víctor León failed a penalty in 60 ‘and the equal final end came with a target from Carlos Saavedra of direct sin.
Castellar: Pablo; Aitor, David Ibáñez, Marc Sánchez, Iván Sánchez (Luque, 83 ‘); Frank, Carlos Peñalver, Jan Marc; Víctor León (Alejandro García, 90 ‘), Saavedra (óscar, 83’) and Marc Ruano.
CALDES DE MONTBUI: Ivan; Cabot, Ferran Roca, Aitor Eye, Guillem González; Andreu, Albert Guititeras, Arnau Fortuny; Marc Angelet (Marc Pujol, 90 ‘), Carles Valls (Youussa, 78’) and Marc Estrada (Moussa, 71 ‘).
Objectives: 0-1, Arnau Fortuny, (21 ‘); 1-1, Carlos Saavedra (68 ‘).
Referee: Gómez González, well. TA: Víctor León, Frank, Marc Sánchez, Juan Antonio Roldán (Ent.), Íker Roldán; Aitor eyes, Ferran.
Granoller-Torroella 3-2
Meeting of the Commings and going with a happy ending for granollers. Torroella moved forward with a local rear dispute before the first half ended. After the costume pass, Borja Montejo matched the rebound contest of a corner and Iván Pérez used an accurate pass to return the ball under the network. Despite a larger presence in the rival area of Albert Cámara’s students, guests are tied to a header at a corner kick by Martí Bagué. In 88 ‘, Iván Pérez returned to see the door to mark the decisive goal with a ball in the space that changed in gold after the rivalry of the rival Toni.
Granoller: Raúl; Joel Luna, Bordas, Maha (César, 74 ‘), David García (Cissé, 74’); Iván Pérez, Borja Montejo (Balagué, 86 ‘), Joel Sánchez (Herreros, 65’); Bargalló, David Reyes (Alexander Alba, 86 ‘) and Josep María Mateu.
TORROELLA: Toni; Pau Castell, éric Vilà, Jan Artacho (Aladi, 79 ‘), Barris (Galder, 70’); Nil Güell (Acosta, 70 ‘), Martí Bagué, Genís Balaguer; Alonso (Musa, 56 ‘), Dani Suba and Genís Sánchez.
Objectives: 0-1, Jan Artacho (44 ‘); 1-1, Borja Montejo (62 ‘); 2-1, Iván Pérez (73 ‘); 2-2, Martí Bagué (81 ‘); 3-2, Iván Pérez (88 ‘).
Referee: Pagès Tico, well. TA: Borja Montejo, David García; Alonso, Genís Chávez.
Montcada-Parets 1-2
Meritoria comeback from parastians to Montcada. The result of the strong start of the Miki Corominas team, Sandro Ramon’s goal of 28 ‘came. When the hosts glanced at three points, guests turned the scoreboard along with the targets of Héctor Tejero and Marc Arroyo.
MONTCADA: Darwin; Planella, Heredia (Ian Reche, 68?), Gonzalo Muñoz, Ayman (Aritz, 57 ‘); Torras, Sandro Ramon, Dani Peinado; Ayoub, Roger Liso (Noah, 78 ‘) and ángel Muñoz (Moha, 86’).
Parets: Sunday; Arroyo, Carlos Gallego (Víctor Hernández, 57 ‘), Mamadou, Marc Grau (Pablo López, 78’); Pedro Lino (óscar Nieto, 57 ‘), Fofana (Jordi Sánchez, 57’), édgar Fernández; Iván Sánchez, Héctor Tejero and Dani Rodríguez (Sergi, 68 ‘).
Objectives: 1-0, Sandro Ramon (28 ‘); 1-1, Héctor Tejero (88 ‘); 1-2, Marc Arroyo (90 ‘).
Referee: Harti Elmoudden, well. TA: Sandro Ramon, Dani Peinado; Marc Grau, Fofana, Aznar, Arroyo, ousmane.
Source: La Verdad

I am Shawn Partain, a journalist and content creator working for the Today Times Live. I specialize in sports journalism, writing articles that cover major sporting events and news stories. With a passion for storytelling and an eye for detail, I strive to be accurate and insightful in my work.