The DGT designs educational materials for the arrival of road safety education in schools


The school year, which has just started, will be the first in which primary, secondary and baccalaureate pupils receive basic road safety training thanks to its inclusion in the school curriculum through Royal Decree 157/2022 of 1 March that regulates the organization and minimum lays down the teachings of primary education, of Royal Decree 217/2022 of March 29, which defines the organization and minimum education of secondary education, and of Royal Decree 243/2022 of April 5, which regulates the ordination and minimum education for the baccalaureate fixed. This will allow not only to develop active, autonomous and healthy mobility habits in minors, but also to encourage a respectful attitude that influences the prevention of road accidents.

Following the publication of the aforementioned Royal Decrees, which incorporate the basic, specific and compulsory skills and content in safe and sustainable mobility in all stages of education, both the Autonomous Communities and the Schools have been responsible for specifying, expanding and shaping this content that will evaluable and that will be transversally integrated in different subjects such as knowledge of the environment or education in values ​​and, in a special way, in physical education.

The teaching materials will be adapted to the specific needs of each stage through different programs and materials. In primary education they will focus on promoting the values ​​of active, healthy, safe and sustainable mobility, for example by helping to expand safe school routes or highlighting new spaces and models of coexistence, in secondary and baccalaureate they will focus more on road safety values ​​through programs or activities such as ‘scape rooms’ or the European Safety Tunes Program.

Source: La Verdad


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