a computer technique that mimics the faces of the victims


Morphing allows criminals to travel freely through borders and customs, and even unlock cell phones and access web pages containing sensitive information.

Euskaraz irakurri: ‘Morphing’: biktimen aurpegia faltsutzen duen teknika informatikoa

computer technology morphing copies and transforms the victims’ photo to impersonate their identities In other words, the fraudsters manipulate the passport photos and identity documents of the victims in order to falsify these documents and circumvent the biometric facial security systems put in place at various points, such as border controls, where they recently discovered this threat to Europe. The morphineg is a technique often used by the mafia.

This method of identity theft allows criminals can travel freely through borders and customsIn addition to releasing smartphones and enter web pages that contain confidential data of their victims.

The morphing leans on the artificial intelligenceand according to David Sancho, head of the Trend Micro Iberia research team, the procedure consists of “interpolating images to form a spectrum in which each of the two starting images is at the extremes”.

To create this spectrum of intermediate images, criminals must use a series of algorithms that distort the image pixel by pixelwith the aim of making it look like the final image, seemingly original and without modification.

To protect against this threat, Alex Cagnoni, director of authentication for WatchGuard Technologies, advises potential victims to provide up-to-date photos for new documents, and that companies, governments and border controls take effective steps to verify identity.

Similarly, Cagnoni also sees the need to implement two-factor authentication: facial biometrics and the confirmation message sent to the user’s mobile phone.

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Source: EITB


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