Strange Decorative Objects – So many feel comfortable in their partner’s house


Two-thirds of the Austrians surveyed immediately felt comfortable in their partner’s apartment. Just like many said they presented a tidy apartment to the other person. 68 percent immediately found each other’s homes comfortable and 74 percent clean. At 76 percent the toilet was freshly cleaned and at 66 percent everything was neatly tidy.

More than half of the respondents were very satisfied with their partner’s furnishing style. Only about a quarter of the lovers did not match the idea of ​​the apartment with reality at all. This is apparent from a representative survey by Innofact AG among 500 women and men.

Strange decorative objects found in apartment
The research, commissioned by ImmoScout24, also showed that most Austrians like to make a good first impression with a new acquaintance and that especially young people have a peculiar furnishing style. 18-39 year-olds in particular felt this much more often when they first visited their partner, as they found strange decorative objects.

The difference between the generations was also noticeable in the sense of order. Respondents over 40 made the bed much more often and of the 40 to 50-year-olds (74 percent) it was the most tidy. One in five men, when they first saw their partner’s apartment, thought “could be straight out of a lifestyle magazine”.

The apartment of the new love cold and sterile
The survey found that, in general, women were slightly less enthusiastic about their partner’s home than men. One in five women had the impression that their new love’s apartment was cold or sterile. The women’s noses were also a bit more critical in the study: the smell immediately hit four out of ten women, while it was six out of ten men.

Source: Krone


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