Discovered in Attic – Mysterious Box: Radiation Protection Alarm at School!


Monday evening there was a lot of excitement in the Piarist High School in Krems (Lower Austria). The focus was on a likely long-forgotten mysterious box that allegedly had a radioactive warning symbol attached. Two students found exactly this box in the attic of the building. Apparently the sticker should have aroused more curiosity than fear among the youngsters, as the two opened the metal box.

What at first seemed like just ordinary bricks, moments later went off the ABC alarm in high school in the truest sense of the word. Because the stones have to radiate radioactively.

Elevated values ​​measured in the environment
When the director heard of the explosive find, she immediately alerted the police. A little later, radiation detectors moved to Krems. In fact, elevated values ​​were measured in the immediate vicinity of the stones. “Radioactive beams were detected within a meter of the find,” the director said. The box and its contents are now being taken to the Seibersdorf research center in the Baden district for further examination.

“No danger for students”
However, there should never have been any danger to the students or the school grounds itself, as Susanne Schiller of the education department explains: “This has now been determined by the official radiation protection expert.”

From the private collection of a naturalist
The origin of the mystery box should also be clear. It is said to come from the private collection of the Krems historian and naturalist Ludwig von Köchel, who died in 1877 and is said to have been donated to the school many years ago. Then she must have collected dust in the attic with other old teaching materials.

Source: Krone


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