No fixed specifications – save energy: Schools get checklist


The federal schools (AHS and BMHS) will soon receive an energy saving checklist in a decree from the Ministry of Education. School boards are asked whether they have already taken certain measures with regard to heating, lighting, ventilation, plumbing, electrical appliances or IT equipment. On the basis of this list, students and teachers can then devise measures themselves to save energy. There are no binding savings targets set by the ministry.

The decree was presented to representatives of students, parents and teachers on Thursday. It is therefore mainly aimed at the AHS and the MBO and MBO schools, because only there does the federal government act as maintainer. In the case of compulsory schools (mainly primary and secondary schools), the providers are the provinces or municipalities.

Lower the room temperature
For example, the checklist asks whether a reduction in room temperature is conceivable or possible. However, the reference value for this is not the 19 degrees target for public buildings – rather it is pointed out that “according to the experience of the federal energy experts (EBB), the average room temperature in federal offices is higher than the reference value of 22 degrees defined by the Austrian Institute for the Construction of Schools and Sports Facilities is Celsius”.

shut down the computer
The directors are also asked whether, for example, laptops and PCs are completely switched off or disconnected from the power supply after work. We recommend using a switchable power strip or automatically turning off PCs at the end of class instead of standby mode. They are also reminded to turn off copiers, printers, information screens and WLAN access points after class.

Trade in old appliances
In addition, drivers must clarify whether, for example, refrigerator temperatures can be raised or old appliances can be exchanged for more energy-efficient ones. It should also be examined whether certain devices can be dispensed with or whether they can be operated in a more needs-oriented manner. Finally, people are also asked whether rooms are too brightly lit or whether daylight is used sufficiently. In the sanitary facilities it is recommended to check that the taps do not drip or that there are rooms where the use of cold water is also possible.

Union urges volunteering
“Schools in Austria must become even more energy-efficient and sustainable,” Education Minister Martin Polaschek (ÖVP) said in a broadcast after the talks. Especially in view of higher energy costs, environmental protection and efficient use of energy should be practiced every day in schools. “To do this, we all have to work together.” The approach was welcomed by the top teacher’s representative, Paul Kimberger. Particular attention should be paid to voluntary participation – this was also communicated by the ministry.

Source: Krone


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