Biden and Trump Make End of Legislative Campaign a Reaffirmation of Presidential Election


The two leaders hold state-to-state meetings as anticipation pushes more than twenty-one million Americans to vote early

Joe Biden and Donald Trump have turned the latest leg of the US parliamentary election campaign into something of a reaffirmation of the 2020 presidential election, perhaps as a foretaste of what could happen in 2024 if both run again for the White House. Neither of them have officially confirmed this ambition, although they are expected to do so, and while they have volunteered at this intermediate round as if it were a personal matter, it is also a sign of Tuesday’s election approaching and how much Democrats and Republicans play the rest of the legislature.

For example, since Friday, the president has been preparing an intensive agenda of events in support of Democratic candidates for Congress, Senate and state governments. He has visited New Mexico, California and Chicago – two strongholds of his party – as well as Pennsylvania, a crucial area where the vote is much closer. Trump, for his part, has visited four states in as many days: Iowa, Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Interest in this appointment is seen in the street. The high participation rate registered in early voting – which is on track to surpass the historical records of 2018 – underscores the fear that weighs upon voters in elections filled with uncertainty and transcendence. Of the more than 21 million ballots already delivered in recent weeks by most “early bird” citizens, 45.2% correspond to Democrats, ahead of only 33.3% Republicans.

According to a recent study by the FiveThirtyEight election data analysis platform, 60% of Americans consider denier candidates on the ballot. That is, of candidates who would be willing to cancel the valid election results in the event of adversity, a phenomenon known as electoral subversion, especially pronounced in the swing states that were decisive in Joe Biden’s election.

The most important public offices are in the House of Representatives and the Senate, where Democrats have a slim majority on which the viability of the president’s agenda depends. The governorships, secretariats and attorneys general of each state are also very important as they are positions of power with the ability to exclude, cancel or decertify adverse outcomes.

Midterm elections usually don’t attract much attention in the 50 states that make up the country, but this year has seen an unprecedented flood of funds, especially to support extremist candidates. Just one fact: According to the Brennan Center for Justice, candidates to become secretary of state in six areas had raised $16.3 million by early August, more than double the amount entered at the same time in 2018. , in many cases provided by sources not even based in those states, is one of the reasons why the denial candidates are far more than those who have not questioned the election results.

The forecast is particularly worrying in the House of Representatives of Congress. There, 118 denialist Republican candidates and 7 who doubt electoral legitimacy have a 95% chance of winning. In the Senate, only three denial candidates — that is, those who deny Biden’s presidential victory and support the idea of ​​Trump’s electoral fraud — have benefits that ensure their election within hours.

These elections are different not only because of the advance of extremist candidates, but also because of the existence of new parameters introduced in the electoral council over the past two years. New voter restriction laws, the reconfiguration of certain constituencies in favor of Republicans, the infiltration of radical deniers into the electoral apparatus, the threat of armed violence and voter intimidation offer unprecedented variables.

Biden already warned this weekend that his efforts in this campaign are aimed not only at winning seats for the Democrats, but also avoiding “chaos” for the United States in the event of a Republican victory. Meanwhile, the federal administration is rounding up meetings with police chiefs, mayors and local election administrators to prepare response plans in light of any violent situation.

Donald Trump’s mounting intent to run in the 2014 presidential election has just been violated by the United States Department of Justice, which is considering the possibility of appointing a special prosecutor to study the investigations open to the tycoon. This expert must investigate whether one of these files can clearly end with an imputation from the former president.

Because neither is trivial. The first investigation points to Trump’s attempts to inflate the election results that gave Joe Biden the country’s presidency two years ago. The second aims to analyze the management of confidential documents during his time in the White House and why he took dozens of reports deemed “top secret” to his Florida mansion after he left office.

When tomorrow’s election ends, the investigators expect to multiply subpoenas to Trump’s associates and former advisers and do not rule out accusations.

Source: La Verdad


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