The British Prime Minister fires the chairman of the ‘tories’ because of his tax problems


Conservative Party chairman Nadhim Zahawi admitted a few days ago that he had paid a fine to the British Treasury after discovering an error in the payment of taxes. He paid a total of 4.8 million pounds.

Euskaraz irakurri: Britainia Handiko lehen minister of toryen presidenta kargutik kendu du bere arazo fiskalengatik

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has sacked Conservative party chairman and minister without portfolio Nadhim Zahawi for breaching the “code” of good ministerial conduct in connection with his tax filing scandal.

In a letter to Zahawi reported this Sunday, the head of the Conservative government points out that “it is clear that there was a serious breach of the ministerial code”.

The scandal surrounding Zahawi erupted a few days ago after he admitted paying a fine to the UK Treasury (HMRC) after discovering a mistake, which he described as “accidental”, in paying taxes.

As revealed a few days ago by “The Guardian” newspaper, Zahawi had come to an agreement with the Treasury to settle an outstanding debt with a 30% surcharge, for which he paid a total of 4.8 million pounds (5.47 million euros).

According to Zahawi, who was finance minister last year, the surcharge had to do with the polling agency YouGov, which he founded in 2000.

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Source: EITB


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