In concrete terms, the new approved standard aims to reduce emissions from new passenger cars by 55% by 2030, while for vans the set reduction is 50%.
Euskaraz irakurri: 2035ean gasoline and diesel cars salmenta debekatzea babestu du Europako Parlamentuak
The European Parliament voted on Tuesday to ban the sale of petrol and diesel vehicles by 2035 and, as a first step, approved the target of reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for passenger cars and vans new.
Specifically, the new approved standard, based on the recorded levels in 2021, sets the target to reduce in 2030 emissions from newly sold passenger cars 55%while in the case of vans, the reduction observed is fifty percent.
After this period, from 2035, the law stipulates that all vehicles sold in the EU must have no polluting emissions, although the text must be formally approved by the EU member states before it enters into force. meeting in the Council.
Of 340 votes in favour, 279 against and 21 abstentionsdid the plenary of the European Parliament approve this new legislation which, yes, the rejection of the European People’s Partythe majority group in the plenary session.
The new text also adjusts, among other things, the percentage of sales of low or zero-emission vehicles for which car manufacturers should be eligible according to the EU financial incentives from the Commission.
Between 2025 and 2029, it will be necessary to sell 25% of low- or zero-emission passenger cars of a manufacturer’s total sales to continue to receive these rewards, while for vans the share will be 17%. From 2030, the new scheme provides for the elimination of incentives.
The Vice-President of the European Commission and Head of the Green Pact, Frans Timmermanspraised the reform as a whole, stating during the debate in parliament that the law strikes the “perfect balance between the interests of industry, the climate and workers”.
trucks and buses
On the other hand, the European Commission has today proposed a trajectory to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by 2030 for long-haul trucks and buses, an effort that should increase to 65% by 2035 and 90% by 2040, compared to 2019 levels.
The proposal is supplemented with the aim that all intercity buses placed on the EU market from 2030 will be zero-emissions, but not those serving rural areas, which will receive the same treatment as trucks.
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Source: EITB

I’m Wayne Wickman, a professional journalist and author for Today Times Live. My specialty is covering global news and current events, offering readers a unique perspective on the world’s most pressing issues. I’m passionate about storytelling and helping people stay informed on the goings-on of our planet.