Putin admits to feeling “envy” of China’s “colossal” economic development


During Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow, he had an informal meeting with Putin in which the Russian president admitted that China’s economic development is of global importance.

Euskaraz irakurri: Putinek Txinako garapen ekonomiko “ikaragarriagatik inbidia” duela onartu du

This Monday, Chinese President Xi Jinping traveled to Moscow for an informal meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in which the latter has admitted feeling “envy” at China’s “colossal leap” in its economic development. Putin has admitted that the economy is much more effective than in many other countries and that market mechanisms are combined with a “reasonably safe” political course.

In addition, Putin has indicated that this growth is arousing interest “all over the world”, adding that, in his opinion, the Asian country will achieve the set goals “with complete certainty”. Jinping stressed that the relationship between the two countries has been consolidated and strengthened, and that it is based on “non-confrontation”, which is an example of a new model of “mutual respect” and “peaceful coexistence”.

For his part, Jinping has stated that China is taking an “impartial and objective” position on the war between Russia and Ukraine, and is actively working to promote reconciliation and peace negotiations.

Source: EITB


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