What you need to know: The construction of fences in Austria is different nine times


Mine! The Austrian likes to mark off his yard and can be quite inventive when it comes to fences to keep people at a distance. According to an OGM survey, half the population would like something like this on the country’s eastern outer border, though there is disagreement over the requirements even inland. We have sorted out for you what you should keep in mind when fencing.

Simple or not, romantic or bang, leaf, mesh or plank: when it comes to fences, the enthusiast can lose himself in the details. Understandable, because only the demarcation creates our personal paradise. This is meant quite literally: depending on the source or tradition, the Old Persian word “pairi-dae-zo” means enclosure, enclosure, wall, similar to the Babylonian “paradisu”, the Greek “paradeisos”, the Old Iranian ” pairidaeza”. “.

Source: Krone


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