Florida Gov. Passes Law Banning Sexual Orientation in Schools


Florida Gov. Ron Desantis, a Republican, enacted a controversial law known as “Do Not Say Gay” (“Do Not Say Gay”) on Monday that bans talking about gender identity and sexual orientation in schools.

“This law will fix something that is happening in the United States. Parents are being ignored in school decisions about sex education and gender identity,” Landing said during the signing of the law in Spring Hill, Western California, Florida. “This is inappropriate for preschool and first and second grade children. “Parents do not want this to happen in our schools,” said the Republican, a potential candidate for the 2024 presidency.

On March 8, the Florida Senate passed a controversial bill banning teachers from talking about sexuality and gender identity in the classroom, an event its opponents called “Do Not Say Gay.”

The project, officially called “Parental Rights in Education”, prevents teachers from having a gender identity and sexual orientation between kindergarten and the third grade. Both issues from that elementary education class are considered “age appropriate” according to the project text. In addition, under the law signed on Monday, parents will have the opportunity to file a lawsuit against the school district and receive damages if they do not comply with this provision.

Widespread condemnation

At this week’s Oscar ceremony, bill actor, writer and comedian Wanda Sikes became the subject of a joke. “We are going to have a good night. “And you guys in Florida, we’re going to have a gay night out,” joked Sikes, a lesbian.

US President Joe Biden also condemned a bill he called “hatred” of the LGBT community.

Public condemnation began shortly after the bill was introduced. Chesten Butijig, the husband of Transport Secretary Pete Butijig, was one of the first public figures to criticize him, leading to widespread condemnation by LGBT advocacy groups. Florida students staged rallies and gathered in the halls of the House of Representatives to protest the measures.

The Walt Disney Company, which plays a major role in Florida politics, has suspended its political donations to the state, while workers at its theme parks have staged rallies over the company’s lack of response to Bill Chapek’s bill.

“I do not care what they say”

“I do not care what the corporate media says, I do not care what Hollywood says, I do not care what the big corporations say, I’m here. I’m not going to back down, “the landing party said as he signed the law. “Ultimately, my goal is to teach children such important subjects: math, reading, science.”

The Florida Campaign for Human Rights and Equality immediately stated that it would do everything in its power to prevent the use of a “discriminatory and dangerous” law that would silence teachers and seek to further stigmatize and isolate LGBT children and undermine existing protections. Students in this community. ”

“Today, Governor Landing once again put Florida on the wrong side of history and put its own young voters on a detrimental path, and it did so for reasons other than to satisfy its own political ambitions,” he said. Johnny Madison. , Acting President of the Human Rights Campaign.

Source: El Diario


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