Exit next week – majority thinks closure of German nuclear power plant wrong


Shortly before the closure of the last German nuclear power plants, according to a poll, a majority is against the move. According to the representative survey of the opinion research institute Insa for the “Bild am Sonntag”, 52 percent of those questioned think it is unjustified that the three remaining reactors will go offline next week. 37 percent think that is correct, eleven percent say nothing.

On April 15, the last German nuclear power plants will be closed definitively. Actually, they should have been eliminated at the end of last year. This was the schedule for the nuclear phase-out that the black and yellow government led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) decided after the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011. Because of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine and the ensuing energy crisis, the traffic light coalition decided last year after a word of power from the current German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) to keep the three reactors running through the winter.

CDU boss Merz criticized the closure during the energy crisis
CDU leader Friedrich Merz was again critical of the impending closure. “You will hardly find anyone abroad who understands that Germany is closing three safe, CO2-free power plants in its biggest energy crisis in decades and is back to coal and gas,” he told the Web.de News news portal.

The danger of a destabilized electricity grid is still not ruled out, criticized Merz, who is also the leader of the Union parliamentary group in the Bundestag. He attributed the fact that Germany came through the winter well to mild temperatures and energy savings in industry and households, according to the report. “The problem remains: we don’t have enough baseload electricity in this country.”

SPD only see bogeyman in blackouts
SPD deputy leader Matthias Miersch told the portal: “The specter of blackouts has been painted on the wall by nuclear fans before every nuclear reactor shut down. There has never been a supply interruption.”

Source: Krone


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