Two years in prison – Terror contacts: convicted Iraqi deported


He has already been convicted of having contacts with terrorism: a 28-year-old Iraqi has since been deported to his homeland. The man flew to Baghdad with an escort on Sunday night. His cousin (30) was also deported from the country.

The 28-year-old came to Austria in September 2015 in the context of the migration crisis. About three years later – in March 2018 – his asylum application was rejected, to which the Iraqi subsequently lodged an objection, according to the Interior Ministry. . Two years later, the Iraqi had to answer for himself in court. He was eventually sentenced to two years in prison for “participation in a terrorist organization” and “inciting the commission of terrorist crimes and endorsing terrorist crimes”.

Hidden after verdict
But the 28-year-old did not serve the prison sentence – he temporarily went into hiding. A little later, however, he was located and taken to prison. As a result, he has served his sentence. While still detained awaiting deportation, the Iraqi filed a follow-up request for asylum. However, according to the ministry, this did not change the already legally binding return decision. The deportation finally took place on Sunday evening.

His 30-year-old cousin, who has also been convicted, has also been deported, which happened on Friday.

More deportations planned in Iraq
The ministry emphasized that forced deportations to Iraq were previously hardly possible. For that reason, efforts have been made in recent months to bring about changes and improve cooperation with Iraq “in the area of ​​delinquent foreigners”. This paid off in the two cases mentioned. Further deportations to Iraq are planned, it said.

Source: Krone


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