Provoked by camera, a man headbutted Viennese police officers


Officials from the city of Vienna were in Vienna-Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus around 11:20 p.m. on Friday to mitigate noise pollution when a 45-year-old man suddenly stood in front of the police car at an intersection and filmed it with his mobile phone. To get the man under control, the officers got out of the car, whereupon the 45-year-old became aggressive and defended himself with headbutts.

The man from Serbia probably didn’t like the fact that the police got out of the car to check on him. After the man first provoked the officials with the mobile phone camera, he then loudly and extremely aggressively insulted the emergency services.

Defended with elbow and headbutts
Despite repeated requests, the 45-year-old did not stop his criminal behavior, which is why he was provisionally detained. But the troublemaker also defended himself against the arrest with violence – including elbow and head butts. He also threatened officers to kill her.

According to the Viennese police, the man is still being held by the police and his questioning is still pending. Two officers were injured in the incident.

Source: Krone


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