Unlucky driver only 17 – disbelief after accident drama with two deaths


It was one of his first journeys: in Altenberg, a driver’s license holder (17) collided head-on with oncoming traffic – two fatalities are to be regretted! FF commander and chief of operations Markus Hofer describes the tragedy.

It’s an unimaginable tragedy: just hours after passing the driving test, a 17-year-old caused a traffic accident that killed two people (we reported). The youngster from Kirchschlag wanted to celebrate his exam success with his best friends Franziska G. and Sophie G. (both 16 years old) from Altenberg. The newly minted driver’s license holder drove his father’s Toyota on Weitrager Strasse in Altenberg – Franziska sat next to him in the passenger seat, Sophie in the back seat.

Source: Krone


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