Students called for rescuers – animal rescue: beavers had to suffer for a long time in Gnesau


A beaver has become entangled in the wire of an electric fence on the Gurkufer near Gnesau! A job for Carinthia’s nature specialist Dietmar Streitmaier: “The beaver could not free itself and had to suffer for days. However, the rescue proved more than difficult, because the animal literally jumped at me.”

The young, nature-loving Gnesau student Marcus Mocanu discovered the beaver and searched the internet for help. “That’s how the smart guy came to me,” says Dietmar Streitmaier, head of the Carinthia Nature and Nature Station in Steuerberg.

Difficult rescue operation…
Together they set out to help the large rodent. But that was anything but easy: “As I approached the beaver, it immediately attacked me, just like wild animals do when they have no chance to escape. Because the beaver didn’t know we wanted to free him. If he’d caught me with his long front teeth, he could have easily bitten off a finger.”

…with a happy ending
But Dietmar knows the wild animals of Carinthia like no other and so he managed to free the beaver, which – barely free – disappeared in a flash in the Gurk.

Source: Krone


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