Arab and Muslim-majority countries call for an end to the siege of Gaza and for Israel to be held accountable


The heads of state of 57 Arab and Muslim-majority countries have joined together to take action and concrete steps, agreeing on a final statement at the emergency summit held in Riyadh this Saturday, condemning the “double standard” of the West vis-à-vis Israel.

Ending the war in the Gaza Strip, increasing access of humanitarian organizations to the enclave and ensuring that Israel is held accountable for its “mass crimes” are the demands of the Gaza Strip. heads of state from 57 Arab and Muslim-majority countries in the emergency summit to be held in Riyadh on Saturday.

This has been agreed in the final statement issued at the end of the meeting, held despite Western countries’ “silence” and “double standards” in condemning Israel’s “collective punishment” campaign against Gaza, which has already left more than 11,000 dead and destroyed the enclave collapse into a humanitarian catastrophe.

Words of disappointment have once again taken hold of the Arab and Muslim leaders, who in this case conspired to do so take action and take concrete stepsstarting by asking the UN Security Council to urgently issue a binding resolution to end the war.

Israel must be held accountable

The countries did so in the statement refused That war initiated after the attacks by the Islamist group Hamas, which left 1,200 dead in Israel on October 7, be classified as a ‘self-defense exercise’ or “justified under any pretext”.

They have also asked the Attorney General of the International Criminal Court to “comply with the investigation into the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed” by the Jewish State, not only in Gaza but “in the entire occupied territory,” while they have demanded for the West to “stop exporting weapons” to Israel.

In that sense they asked investigate the use of white phosphorus against Gaza and southern Lebanonin addition to conducting an investigation into Israel’s alleged nuclear arsenal, something that has raised alarm bells following recent statements by an Israeli minister suggesting a nuclear attack on Gaza as a possibility.

However, the end of the war would not mean the end of this deep-rooted conflict, exacerbated by more than half a century of Israeli occupation and a nearly two-decade blockade of the Gaza Strip, which was already classified by the UN before the conflict. as the largest open-air prison in the world.

An independent Palestinian state

The final statement states that the The only path to peace is the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.the solution most agreed upon by the international community, but which has been abandoned over the years.

“We affirm that neither Israel nor any other country in the region will enjoy security and peace without the Palestinians enjoying them and regaining all their plundered rights,” the countries warned in the final statement.

To this end, the document also provides for the convening of a international peace conference “as quickly as possible” to initiate a “credible process based on international law” to end “the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory.”

And another common point that these countries have shared is that they have held Israel responsible for “the continuity of the conflict and its worsening,” while denouncing the occupation of the Palestinian territories as “a threat to security and regional and international stability”. .

Top in Riyadh.  EFE.

Leaders are speaking out

The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohamed bin Salman, presided over the opening of the summit by calling for a ceasefire to stop the “humanitarian catastrophe” in the Gaza Strip, a widespread demand from a large segment of participants. He also called for the release of all prisoners and the “immediate halt” to military operations in Gaza, as well as “coordinated efforts” to end the siege of the enclave and facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid.

He Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbashas asked “international protection” for the Palestinian people in light of the attacks they are suffering from the Israeli forces and settlers in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. That’s why he called UN security council Unpleasant “assume your responsibilities and immediately end the brutal Israeli aggression against Gaza and the rest of Palestine.” “The Palestinian people need international protection,” he emphasized. The Palestinian leader also denounced “attempts to expel our people from Gaza or the West Bank.” “and has asked to put pressure on Israel to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid.

Abbas has placed special emphasis on this UNITED STATES, whom he has asked to put an end to “Israeli aggression, the occupation and the desecration of our holy places.”

As for the resolution of the conflict, Abbas has emphasized that ‘There are no acceptable military or security solutions’ because “they have all failed.” In particular, he has cited Israel’s policies of “settlements, annexations, ethnic cleansing and racial discrimination,” in contrast to the proposed solution that envisions a Palestinian state that would have to be recognized by the UN Security Council as a full member of the UN. Abbas has stated.

He Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al Sisiemphasized in his speech that the ceasefire must be ‘unconditional’ and has denounced the “collective punishment” against the Palestinian population, which “cannot be justified as self-defense.” He has also warned of the risk of the conflict spreading across the region.

He Turkish President Tayyip Erdoganhas advocated keeping one international peace conference to find a permanent solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. “Israel is taking revenge, with babies, children and women from Gaza,” Erdogan said, repeating his call for an immediate ceasefire. ‘What is urgent in Gaza are not breaks of a few hours, but… we need a permanent ceasefire“.

He Emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad al Zani, has accused the world of allowing Israel to act as if it were above the laws of international law. “How can hospitals be attacked and the world remain silent?” he complained. So, has requested the dispatch of a UN investigation team to clarify what is happening in the Gaza Strip, including the hospitals. Regarding humanitarian aid, Al Zani has denounced Israeli ‘blackmail’.

He King Abdullah II of Jordan He recalled the “injustice” suffered by the Palestinian people for “seventy years” and demanded humanitarian corridors for food access.

In a similar vein, the Commissioner General of the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees, the UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarinihas asked for an agreement in Riyadh demanding that humanitarian aid be allowed to enter Gaza has called on Arab and Muslim leaders to launch “stronger actions”.. “I am sure that many of you can influence so that concrete actions are taken. No efforts must be spared,” Lazzarini said.

He President of Iran Ebrahim Raisiwho has joined other Muslim leaders in calling for a ceasefire and allowing humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip, has said that Muslim countries must arm the Palestinians if Israeli attacks on Gaza continueand has called for the imposition of one economic and energy boycott of Israel for the bombing of Gaza, which he described as “the greatest crime ever seen in history.”

Source: EITB


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